Melaka - N.Sembilan - Penang - Melaka : Tanda Hadir

Finally.. this was aired earlier this week 07-09-2024 @ 9pm.. 
Terima kasih kawan2.. ramai yang screenshot and forward to me..
Though it does make me feel kind of embarrassed.. 
I am grateful knowing that I have great friends.. 
Friends yang selalu rasa gembira dengan apa sahaja kegembiraan saya..

one if the many2 screenshots received..
Hahaaa.. ingatkan dah kena cut sesi interview ni..
Eh.. ada rupanya..
For those yang terlepas.. you can always watch the recording at M3 YouTube channel..
Oh.. just so korang2 semua tak misunderstood..  the segment was about sukan renang sirip & our Malaysia's Darling - The Little Mermaid herself.. 
Nothing to do with Imann.. Imann cuma pelakon selit2 sahaja.. macam maknya jugak.. tetiba terselit Kat situ..

Moving on.. earlier before the M3 madness.. was lawatan YB Timbalan Menteri Belia Dan Sukan..
Acik bertugas.. menerima dif2 kehormat & gambar.. 
This gambar however, was taken dari page fb Majlis.. and of all banyak2 gambar.. hahaha.. sampai harini.. me was like.. kenapa muka Acik cenggitu?

Imann Salam YB Timbalan Menteri Belia Dan Sukan kita.. 

Our YB Timbalan Menteri Belia Dan Sukan himself..

Further back..  Acik was in Penang for Malaysia Underwater Sports Award Night..
The VIPs of Melaka entourage.. 
Seated betul2 belakang meja TYT..
Abaikanlah warna baju Acik yang sedondon dengan alas meja, carpet, kerusi and not to mention air dalam gelas.. 

Least expected.. terima award of appreciation from the TYT of Penang himself..
Hahaha.. macam hebat ja kan bunyinya..
But.. sebenarnya ada tujuh orang dari Melaka yang terima ya gaisss..
Acik cuma salah seorang darinya.. 
Oh.. and gambar Acik ambil dari fb page TYT..
Gambar kenangan with all the "Penang Lang".. 

Last couple of days sebelum cuti sekolah..
Managed to slot in a gateway dengan kawan2..

More like.. masak.. makan.. masak.. makan.. ulanggggg for us..

And for the kids..
It was non stop fun..

Anak2 yang teruja..
First time tengok belangkas..
First hand experience tangok orang collect ikan, ketam and lots more dari jaring..
Main "water polo" dalam laut..

Highlights of August.. September.. October.. 
The much awaited monofin..
That finally arrived in Malaysia on the 7-10-2024.. 
Thank you so much Alexy Demirskyy for the kind help.
Imann finally got to test it last night and he is very much indeed..
Loves the feeling while at it.

On another note..
I miss you adik..
I always do..
Praying with all my heart..
That all are good there at your end..

