I was diagnosed in 2007 to have suffered the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and was advised to undergo an operation due to it. However, during 2007 I refused to do so considering there will be no one to help me with the children and Sarah was due for her UPSR then. I opt for physiotherapy instead. In 2008, again, the doctor advised me to do the operation to correct things.. again, I refused and this time Aiman was due for his UPSR.. plus, I have no one to help me with the children.
On Monday 02-02-09 I experienced pain of my life.. I can't even handle the steering wheel due to it and was struggling to drive myself to clinic.. in tears.. and the Doctor did give me treatment of sonotron (?? - not sure of the spelling) which to me.. even after the treatment.. it does not feel any different.. I can still feel the pain.. However, perhaps the effect of sonotron and painkillers.. came much.. much later... I feel a bit relief the next day.. (case of delayed reaction..?? hmmmm...)
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition brought on by increased pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. In effect, it is a pinched nerve at the wrist. Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, and pain in the arm, hand, and fingers. There is a space in the wrist called the carpal tunnel where the median nerve and nine tendons pass from the forearm into the hand . Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when pressure builds up from swelling in this tunnel and puts pressure on the nerve. When the pressure from the swelling becomes great enough to disturb the way the nerve works, numbness, tingling, and pain may be felt in the hand and fingers .
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition brought on by increased pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. In effect, it is a pinched nerve at the wrist. Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, and pain in the arm, hand, and fingers. There is a space in the wrist called the carpal tunnel where the median nerve and nine tendons pass from the forearm into the hand . Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when pressure builds up from swelling in this tunnel and puts pressure on the nerve. When the pressure from the swelling becomes great enough to disturb the way the nerve works, numbness, tingling, and pain may be felt in the hand and fingers .

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
Usually the cause is unknown. Pressure on the nerve can happen several ways: swelling of the lining of the flexor tendons, called tenosynovitis; joint dislocations, fractures, and arthritis can narrow the tunnel; and keeping the wrist bent for long periods of time. Fluid retention during pregnancy can cause swelling in the tunnel and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which often go away after delivery. Thyroid conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes also can be associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. There may be a combination of causes.
Signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms usually include pain, numbness, tingling, or a combination of the three. The numbness or tingling most often takes place in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers. The symptoms usually are felt during the night but also may be noticed during daily activities such as driving or reading a newspaper. Patients may sometimes notice a weaker grip, occasional clumsiness, and a tendency to drop things. In severe cases, sensation may be permanently lost and the muscles at the base of the thumb slowly shrink (thenaratrophy), causing difficulty with pinch.
Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
A detailed history including medical conditions, how the hands have been used, and whether there were any prior injuries is important. An x-ray may be taken to check for the other causes of the complaints such as arthritis or a fracture. In some cases, laboratory tests may be done if there is a suspected medical condition that is associated with CTS. A nerve conduction study (NCV) and/or electromyogram (EMG) may be done to confirm the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome as well as to check for other possible nerve problems.
Treatment of carpal tunel syndrome
Symptoms may often be relieved without surgery. Identifying and treating medical conditions, changing the patterns of hand use, or keeping the wrist splinted in a straight position may help reduce pressure on the nerve. Wearing wrist splints at night may relieve the symptoms that interfere with sleep. A steroid injection into the carpal tunnel may help relieve the symptoms by reducing swelling around the nerve.
When symptoms are severe or do not improve, surgery may be needed to make more room for the nerve. Pressure on the nerve is decreased by cutting the ligament that forms the roof (top) of the tunnel on the palm side of the hand . Incisions for this surgery may vary, but the goal is the same: to enlarge the tunnel and decrease pressure on the nerve. Following surgery, soreness around the incision may last for several weeks or months. The numbness and tingling may disappear quickly or slowly. It may take several months for strength in the hand and wrist to return to normal. Carpal tunnel symptoms may not completely go away after surgery, especially in severe cases.
I am still not sure of what decision should I make.. To do the operation, I will have to be able to prepare myself with among other things are.. not being able to use my hand totally for 2 weeks.. AND be 100% dependent on others..
My main concern is definately my 3 kids.. I can't even think of anyone to take care of them... I could not ask my mom to.. and have her worry of me for being not well..
On top of things.. my boss were so very supportive.. 1st thing when he came to know.. he asked our IT manager to give me a mouse designed for left handed people.. and for the company to purchase a wrist support.. and told me not to strain my hand too much (yeah rite.. and how many meetings i have to attend in a week again?.. like 3 - 4.. and minimum of hours per meeting is what?.. 2 hours.. which could possibly not ease anything related to pressure of the hand..)
Went for doctor appointment today, and will have another follow-up next week, same day and time.. only to decide on the date of operation..
Buat teman2 diluar sana... SAYANGI TANGAN ANDA.. YOU NEED THEM FOR LIFE...
Note: I have all the symptoms up to the severe...
you need your hand to do many things, rite :)
before u think about others, please think about yourself
macamana nak buat itu dan ini kalau tangan sakitkan, so cepat-cepat buat operation
bila tangan dah baik, semua orang akan happy :)
always pray for you
Jaga diri akak dulu k.. InsyaAllah semuanya ok nanti. Kalau lambat2 nanti tak elok juga..
Well noted.. Memang kita perlukan tangan ni utk segala2nya..
Doakan segala2nya selamat yea.. insya Allah..
dulu pun selalu dengar gak.. but bila kena kat diri sendiri.. baru tau.. betapa merunsingkan jiwa.. mengenangkan keupayaan kita terbatas..
Memang sangat2 penting menyayangi diri sendiri.. motto utk diri sendir - "MY BODY IS MY TEMPLE" hehehehe..
Hmmm.. org tu punya streamyx dah ok yea.. hehehehe..
Terima kasih.. Insya Allah.. doakan yea.. :)
Dan salam kenal jugak.. nanti akak link kamu yea..
Tu la pasal.. kalau ditunggu makin teruk.. ini pun dah teruk.. apa2 pun.. tengah berdebar2 tunggu minggu depan utk tarikh operation.. risau..
anyway, sorry bout your hand
harap kak cepat cepat buat operation
keje sampai bila pun tak akan habis
lagipun cuma dua minggu
ambil masa ni untuk rehat betul betul
tak payah fikirkan hal kerja
harap cepat sembuh!
Tah lah.. lagi banyak fikir.. lagi tak sudah.. baik buat je.. tak payah fikir2..
National Geographic? hehehehe.. bukan Medic Journal ke??
p/s - cut and paste tuh.. lupa lak nak letak attribute kat situ..
semoga tabah menghadapi dugaan2 ini... emm cammana nak kontek awak ye... heheheh... normah TM tu, selalu gak datang jumpa dla... dan byk gak nota2 dla padanyer.. hehehehehe
wah lama x masuk, sakit upanya sahabatku ini. jgn biar is. apa2 nak buat pun, yg buruk, yg baik, kena guna tangan...so, watlah operation tuh...
BTW, tangan belah mana ek ? ada tulis ke dalam en3 tadi?
Hmmmm.. kecik dunia yea.. :)
email add kita - ismahna@gmail.com
Phone no. sila mintak pd Normah.. hehehehehe.. bahaya letak kat sini.. ramai la pulak yg nakal antar sms nanti
Terharu rasa hati.. ramai betul kawan2 yang perihatin bila tau..
Masa memula dulu.. selalu pegi physio.. but lelama.. rasa mcm boringnye.. mula "tuang".. pas tu tak pegi langsung.. ubat pun sama.. memula makan.. pas tu.. asik lupa.. last2 langsung lupa..
Sekarang ni.. padan muka sendiri.. bukan salah org.. kita pun patut salahkan diri sendiri jugak.. sibuk jaga org lain.. diri sendiri terabai..
Org tu dah balik cuti yea.. :) Rindu la.. **hugs.. hugs.. hugs..**
Tangan kanan.. driving yg payah.. sebab bila drive.. walau short distance.. dah rasa tak selesa.. kebas je.. risau dibuatnya.. sakit tu tolak tepi la.. sebabnya sakit kita rasa.. but kalau kebas.. tak berasa..
Insya Allah.. doakan yea.. :)
apabila sihat tubuh badan memang selalu kita alpa tentang nikmat yang diberikan olehNYA. Sedetik Allah menarik nikmat tersebut, baru terasa betapa bertuahnya kita.
Hujung tahun lepas saya mengalami prolapse disc, kes yang bersangkutan dengan saraf juga. Sakit usah cakap. pergerakan dan aktiviti harian banyak terbatas. Namun alhamdulillah sekarang sudah berkurang.
Saya mencuba alternatif selain perubatan moden yang menjurus kepada penggunaan ayat suci Al-Quran. Jika ingin berkongsi pengalaman sila email shamsulbahri68@gmail.com
I can understand the difficulty of suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and not being able to use your hands in good condition, as its one of the most used anggota badan in our daily life.
Rujuk kepada catatan anda yang asal, sebelum anda membuat keputusan untuk menjalani pembedaha, ada beberapa sudut yang mesti anda pertikaikan.
1. Keputusan Pembedahan sebenarnya adalah jalan yang terakhir diambil oleh sesiapa yang mengalami kesakitan di sendi, otot maupun urat. Ini adalah kerana, bukan semua yang melalui pembedahan dapat memulihkan keadaan yang dialami. Ada yang terus hilang peka sentuhan, atau kegunaan dari pembedahan. Dan juga pembedahan pada orang dewasa selepas peringkat pertengahan hayat, kadar pemulihan lambat and seringkali rasa kesal.
2. Dalam catatan anda ada disebut rawatan sonotron - On Monday 02-02-09 I experienced pain of my life.. I can't even handle the steering wheel due to it and was struggling to drive myself to clinic.. in tears.. and the Doctor did give me treatment of sonotron (?? - not sure of the spelling) which to me.. even after the treatment.. it does not feel any different.. I can still feel the pain..
Rawatan sonotron adalah salah satu kaedah rawatan/terapi alternatif, dimana ianya selamat,tiada kesan sampingan dan tanpa ubat.
Keadaan anda dikesan sejak 2007, sebenarnya, ia adalah dari kecederaan akumulatif yang dialami sebelum itu, jadi anda mesti memberi masa untuk rawatan menyerap kedalam anggota yang cedera. Keupayaan pesakit mengalami kelegaan bergantung kepada, samada pesakit dapat mengenal pasti lokasi cedera dengan tepat atau jika pesakit ada menggunakan ubat pelega kesakitan sebelum rawatan kerana kepastian kelegaan tidak dapat ditentukan samada rawatan sonotron sesuai atau disebabkan penggunaan ubat tersebut.
Jika berniat serius dalam pemulihan anda perlu menjalani 1 sesi rawatan sonotron selama 30-45 minit setiap hari,terturutan untuk 3 hari. Selepasnya, tunggu dan lihat keadaan selepas dua hari, dan diikuti rawatan susulan 3 kali ( selang hari) seminggu. Jika masih tidak memperolehi apa apa berubahan pada keadaan, maka rawatan sonotron tidak sesuai untuk anda. Kadar sesi rawatan akan mengurang jika pesakit beransur pulih.
Nasihat kepada pesakit selepas terapi;
Mengelakkan aktiviti yang bebankan otot tersebut.
Kembali untuk rawatan susulan sehingga pulih, ( rujuk nasihat terapist atau doktor)
Jangan bimbang jika kesakitan berulang melebihi tahap sebelum terapi. Ini biasanya berlaku dalam jangka masa 24 jam atau 2 hingga 4 hari selepas terapi, ia merupakan perkembangan yang positif dan dikenali sebagai "peringkat tindak balas". Dan apabila pesakit meneruskan rawatan, kesakitan akan beransur hilang dengan cepat.
Diharap, semua maklumat ini boleh membantu dalam pemulihan tangan anda.
www.panmedic.com.my/services.php atau www.sonotrondrugfreerapidtherapy.com/