I have to agree with Dr Sam.. perhaps its our culture.. and being an Asian.. Malaysan.. A Malay.. and a Muslim (?).. sex is not an everyday topic to be discussed in public.. especially with children.. A Taboo?.. maybe..
Explaination.. is the best way to feed children's curiousity...
I remember it well when I was still a child.. (that was.. once upon a time ago..) most of the question asked will either gets a standard answer such as "eh.. tak de kerja sekolah ke..? pegi buat kerja lain!!" and you automatically gets the hint that the question is not supposed to be asked at all.. or.. "pergi tido!!" even the day outside still cerah.. terang benderang.. huhuhu..
Lots of things I did not get to share with my mother.. most of the time.. its either my fren.. my fren.. or my fren.. that will kind of giving me the information... leave alone the kebenaran kata2 atau fakta.. but friend was always my source of information back then..
The first "birds and the bees" question I've got was from Sarah when she was 5.. The question was..
"Macam mana baby tu keluar nanti buuu?.." - at that time I was pregnant with Danial.. and I explained.. with gambarajah of course.. believe me.. ensaiklopedia memang sangat2 menolong.. the one I had that time (and still having now..) is with illustration.. and gambar pun decent for children to see..
However... the next question from Sarah.. "Kenapa baby keluar dari "ponggong".. Kenapa tak keluar dari mulut???" got me stuck... and guess what was my answer? think logic... think logic.. I said to myself.. and at that moment.. with the illustration from the ensaiklopedia.. I explained..
"Mestilah dari "ponggong".. sebab kan paling dekat.. kalau nak keluar ikut mulut.. nanti langgar jantung.. langgar paru2.. and mulut tu kecik je.. lagi sakit..." and Sarah.. being a 5 year old.. was satisfied with my answer.. thank god!!
Huhu.. anyone out there got better answer to share???!!!! hahaha...
And Danial.. belum pun reda soalan SPERMA dia.. the other day.. he came up with this question..
"Perut ibu ada tanda jahit jahit macam tangan ibu eh..??"
"Tak lah.. kenapa adik tanya pulak???"
"Abis tu.. kan ke doktor potong perut ibu untuk keluarkan baby.. mestilah ada jahit jahit macam kat tangan ibu tu.."
And me.. being me.. that day.. secara sepontan "siapa cakap dengan adik baby keluar dari perut??.." and muka Danial berkerut.. "abis tu?? baby keluar dari mana?.. macam mana dia nak keluar pulak??"
Now.. you guys out there must be wondering.. Sarah dengan Danial je ke yang tanya??? Aiman??? tak pernah tanya ke...
The answer is... "not the birds and the bees question" I ever got from Aiman.. well.. may be not just yet.. but.. this was his firs question that got me pening kepala nak jawab sampai termenung dua tiga hari.. huhuhu...
"Kalau udara sejuk kat bawah.. udara panas tu kat atas.. and air tu berat
kat bawah macam sungai.. laut.. tu.. kenapa pulak awan tu kat atas?? bukan ke
air tu sejuk dan berat.. bukan ke awan tu pun air..?? tak faham la buuu.."
And this question was posted to me when he was 7...
p/s - I even got a simple experiment done just to have him understand why awan kat atas.. air kat bawah.. huhuhu..
Conclusion is.. it is worth to explain to children.. sebab.. they will get the correct answer from us..
**assuming that we give them a correct one..

ya, ensaiklopedia amat membantu. perlu ada di setiap rumah sebenarnya...kalau mampu, kan ?
i will always tell her the truth and straight to the point, tak de corner sana dan sini
may be ummi rasa comfortable sebab batrisya adalah girl
to be honest, kids are so adorable. they are so honest. banyak yang mereka nak tahu dan perlu tahu :)
Penggunaan encyclopedia dan media bergambar memang banyak membantu anak2 dalam memperolehi ilmu pengetahuan.
Jawapan akak tentang 'nape baby keluar ikut punggung' tu memang baguslah.. nanti ana pinjam boleh? Manalah tau kot2 anak2 di sekolah bertanya nanti.. hehe
Luckily, I have 4 superheroes so most of the 'taboo' question is quite trivial and easily tackled :)
i can imagine how difficult to answer the questions from our kids...sometimes, soalan mereka memang jenis 'menjerat'.. heheheheh... My daughter suka tanya "ibu, ibu kawenlah lagi satu supaya arissa boleh ada adik".. dia ingat, kawen je, mesti mengandung kot.. kelakar jer...
Yes.. they are so very adorable..
Thanks for dropping by and salam kenal :)
Salam Jane..
Betul tu sis.. its a good tool to have at home.. and sad to say.. good things cost a lot :(
Salam Mamasyaza..
Hehehe.. kuar ikut pusat ek??!!
Pening bila bebudak bertanya soalan2 cepumas nie.. gelihati pun ada jugak.. fikir.. cam mana la nak jawab.. hahaha..
Memang betul.. budak2 memang jujur hatinya.. their question always reflect their mind.. and best thing to do for parents is to feed them with the right info.. Jangan sampai tersilap info atau sumber info..
Salam Ana..
Nak pinjam jawapan?? Boleh..boleh.. but kena baya royalti.. hehehe.. kurang2 pun "unta" dari Dubai..
Salam Dr Sam..
Wah.. hero belaka deh!!! hahaha.. grammar ganu kite betul ke dok "DrSeng"..??
Wah.. jangan cari pasal..
kawin lagi satu eh... hahaha..
Salam CikSaya..
Betul2.. cari bahan bacaan yang boleh membantu.. sbb.. budak2 tak tanya.. artis tu.. artis nie.. and.. majalah manggo tak de cerita pasal macam mana baby kuar...