
Salam kengkawan... :)

1st time after 3 weeks.. hari nie... aku dapat berehat dirumah pada hari minggu... Terasa amannya dunia.. terasa indahnya rumahku yang bersepah nie... terasa bahagianya hidup..
Sepanjang 3 minggu yang lepas.. hidup betul2 kucar-kacir kerana kerja.. The first time when plant shutdown started sometimes in December 09, I've argued when En.Unta suggested for me to do the daily report for the PreCommissioning... I've argued to the fact that PreComm. has already had 2 clerical staff that was hired to do the PreComm. work.. why do they need me to do it? as I too have other things to do.. and I will not be able to concentrate to do the daily report alone.. Its either my own work or the daily report.. and my reason was accepted...
Sebenarnya bukan lah aku berkira sangat bab buat kerja nih... but during plant shutdown, it is well noted that the plant will be in "operation - shutdown for maintenance work" for 24/7. And if I accepted to the suggestion for me to do the daily report.. I will have to be in the office 7 to 7... Larat ke? Lagipun PreComm dah ada dua clerk.. kalau aku jugak yang nak kena sudahkan.. might as well bagi gaji depa2 tu kat aku kannnn... **hahahahahah**

Again, in January 2010.. nama naik lagi for the same report... and this time.. aku argue... most of the technical clerk is leaving in February end... and the work will be handed over to me.. I have to much to do... and again... It was accepted..
But, February 2010... when my name naik lagi sekali to do the report.. **besides the 2 existing clerical** I have no more excuses to give... With my own work.. and the balance of Engneering Dept... Construction... and now.. PreComm pulak... Adoi laaaa... macam nak keluar air mata.. **hahahaha... dah banyak keluar pun..** Maka... bermula lah episod 7 hari seminggu.. NO WEEKENDS... NO PUBLIC HOLIDAYS... :(
Kisahnya... I hate it so much when EnAmat bawak balik kerja and buat kat rumah.. to me.. rumah is rumah... the moment you stepped out from the office compound... there shouldn't be anything that is work related to follow you home...
But this time... aku rasa sangat2 bersalah bila tiap kali.. setiap hari.. bila aku tinggalkan office pada kurang lebih jam 07:30pm.. akan ada kerja yang akan aku bawa balik... tiap2 malam.. sepanjang 3 minggu kebelakangan nie.. aku rasa bersalah pada budak2.. dan juga pada EnAmat... :( And rasa bersalah tu jadi berlebih2 la pulak.. sebabnya??? EnAmat tak pernah pun "bunyi" apa2 bila aku berjaga sampai pukul 03:30am sebab nak sudahkan fintail report aku...

Life is almost back to normal for me now... It is just a matter of time.. before the start-up begins.... Office dah mula sunyi due to demobilisation... sedih sebab almost 90% of my friend which i've known over the past 3 years dah tak de.. :(

***End of the day... Senyum paksa... Tak larat wehhhh...***

Now... counting days for my end date...


Mother of Two berkata…
senyum paksa pun cantik juga...:)
DrSam berkata…
setuju sangat. Rumah tempat meluangkan masa dengan keluarga. Masa bersama keluarga tersayang tidak boleh dijual beli. Semoga dapat menguruskan masa dengan baik.