Myself and Accident & Emergency

Wednesday last week.. balik kerja tiba2 sakit perut mencucuk2.. terasa nak pitam sgt2.. went to toilet.. suddenly rush of blood.. banyak sangat.. OMG! myself bleeding.. Called every number that i can think of for help.. none answered..

In the end.. I drove myself to the nearest hospital with the kids.. Nak jadi cerita.. the same night pulak jalan bandar PG sesak due to pengistiharan PG as Bandaraya.. jalan jammed teruk.. Lucky reached hospital on time.. straight went to A&E
accident & emergency*.. Perut sakit gila.. my son yang eldest dah nangis.. Me sebab nengok dia nangis.. say "jangan nangis, ibu yang sakit bukan abang.. tak baik nangis.." try to be strong la konon.. dalam hati tuhan je yang tau..

Called EnAmat pun tak answer.. bila doc kata admit.. lagi lah.. terfikir mcm mana la my kids.. then I pun fikir.. tak pe lah.. may be hantar my anak dulu balik rumah.. settle everything.. then drive back to hospital.. Boleh? LOL..
LOL la konon.. time tu.. air mata toksah cerita.. berbaldi gaknye..**

Then all calls yang no answer tadi started to call back.. A friend came and took my kids home.. another called EnAmat and informed him of situation.. the other help me through the admission process.. till i reached bed and fell asleep.. ntah bila diorg balik pun i tak sedar..

Seriously.. it was nightmare to me.. Lucky I still have friends.. Luck masih lagi dikurniakan kekuatan utk berdepan dengan situasi dan tak panik.. Thank god to that.. and ALHAMDULILLAH.. the moment dr. scan me that night and show me the baby is still ok.. and switched on the speaker so i can hear the heartbeat.. the pain suddenly went into the thin air.. all gone.. only rasa syukur sangat2..

EnAmat reached PG at about 4am.. Myself dah tido in dreamland.. I was in the hospital for 2 nights.. and now me on strictly complete rest in bed order.. for another 10 days.. baring je la sampai muntah darah
hehe figure of speech..** .. lucky ada internet.. itu pun dah start boring.. :))

Apa2 pun to all dearest friend out there.. doakan semoga aku juga kandungan sihat ye.. semoga segala2nya dipermudahkan Allah..

On another note.. I feel so sad knowing that on the same day.. Ezan, a friend of mine have had a miscarriage... poor girl.. sedih I.. perhaps bukan rezeki dia.. semoga Allah tabahkan hati dia.. Semoga Allah permudahkan bagi kita semua segala pintu kesulitan.. dalam baraqah.. InsyaAllah.. Amin..

p/s ~ kata aiman, "ye la tu dalam perut ibu ada baby.. ntah2.. ibu memang boncit".... haihhhh...


hady berkata…
left the blog for a while
dan akak dah ada baby?
laju nya masa berjalan???

anyway, luckily everything is fine
hopefully selamat selalu
take care
payarumput21 berkata…
Salam Hady...

Wah sibuk ye lening? Mari jugok singgoh.. Suke mokcik.. **lebih kurang halal ye grammar..**

Alhamdulillah.. rezeki Allah nak bagi.. InsyaAllah and thanks..

p/s - ehem.. awok nye bile pulok?