Over The Hills And Not So Far Away..

It always square down to the first person you think about and want to call.. or tell every single things about.. 

Harini again jam ibu "hang".. haihhh.. 
Assuming my daily 3km has been met.. 
Ibu didn't even bother nak hard reset..  macam dah rasa takde perasaan pulak bila tengok dia hang pagi ni..
Feels like.. lantaklah nak hang ke.. mati ke.. meletup ke.. sukahati kau lah.. 
Hidup tetap perlu diteruskan.. 

Imann pernah tanya.. 
Kenapa tiap kali berhenti kat traffic light ibu suka ambil gambar..
Well.. it is mainly.. Tak kiralah berapa ribu kali ibu berhenti kat traffic light yang sama.. 
Ibu rasa permandangannya tak pernah sama..
And ibu suka tengok every little details yang ada.. 
It simply makes me happy.. 

Ibu loves the skyline pagi ni..
It makes me feels a bit melancholic.. 
In a kind of way..

And so suddenly.. 
Rasa sedih..
At the same time..

Apa2 pun.. my weekend starts today.. 
Ibu need to do a lot of packing for our 4D3N trip.. 
En.Papa will be home early harini.. and will pick Imann from school.. 
We'll be off and away shortly.. 
Great weekends in advance to all too..

#Mr.Moon & Mrs.Sun
