Happy New Year - Adik No.9

Posting this here..
Only to remind myself..
Things I have put myself into..
And my big "Why"..

Janganlah ada pulak yang kata..
Mesti dah kurus sekarang kan..

Sadly no..
Especially for the past 3 months..
I've been gaining more and more weights..

Mainly due to jadual yang terlalu sibuk.. managing Imann's schedule.. trying hard to keep up dengan pelbagai competition.. peringkat sekolahlah.. peringkat daerah lah.. peringkat kebangsaan lah.. antarabangsa lah.. exam sekolah pagi lah.. sekolah petang lah.. 
Running.. well literally.. driving from one end to the other.. 
Serious.. Acik is koyak okehhh..

Then.. There's also downtime yang takes you quite a while to bounce and get yourself back on track..

There was also time when Ibu wasn't in her very best of health..
Then there was also time when Imann wasn't in his best of health..
And.. There's also time when none of us were in our best of health too..

But.. of whatever times we were in.. we survived ALL..

And with that being said..
Maka benarlah akan kata2..
"At the end of the day.. everything will turn out ok.. if it's not ok.. know that.. IT IS STILL NOT THE END.."

I may not achieve my 300km target for year 2023..
Kurang 10.74km ja lagi..
Every reason to try again tahun ni..

On another note..
Just so you know..
I miss you the whole time Adik..
I hoped and pray that you had a great year behind.. and ahead..
Take care Adik..
Semoga Allah rezeki kan Kita untuk jumpa lagi..

05012023 @ 14:26hrs

