Dah lama tak pergi amek gambar... the last photography session i had was like... I've spent almost half a day of my Saturday taking photos.. it was an assignment i got from a law firm to take photo to be published for their new website.. I have to admit... aku lebih prefer amek gambar object mati rather than people.. you can't really work with people if.. they are not ready.. that day.. most of the shots i had was totally crap... i didn't get the feeling i want to see from the photo i took.. (chewah... bunyi mcm professional photographer jer... padahalnya... tak de benda pun..).
Gambar dah edit.. result? not up to my expectation.. I didn't get the feel i want from the photo taken.. thinking of having a re-shoot session.. tengoklah.. bulan2 posa ni.. mesti letih nak senyum loyar (lawyer) kita tu..
I am sure that many of you took better pictures... still... Perhaps teman2 nak tengok my photo collections... well.. tak banyak pun yang diposted.. follow the link ya..