*Sejak2 Imann busy dengan handball training.. ibu run lah sensorang..
En. Papa is still on his 59 mechanical days and is not available till all is over.. Been 27 days now and another 23 more to go..
Praying hard that things goes as according to timelines.. so tiada delays dimana2..
Hahaaa.. as if..
Eh.. tak pernah lagi laa dengar TA goes as planned.. biasanya mesti ada je yang buat delay..
Meanwhile.. ibu has no complaints.. tasabarrrr nak pass baton..
Had my routine checkup last week.. only to realize that.. it's been 5 years now.. since the doctor put me on my medication..
Lepas jumpa doktor.. I have to admit.. rasa sedikit terganggu bila teringat saranan doktor untuk refer ibu ke Pusat Kanser Negara (hurmmmm...) for Radioactive Iodine Treatment..
Hahahaa.. bukan sebab takut nak buat RAI tu.. but more to.. all the restrictions that I'll have to go thru.. selepas minum the radioactive iodine...
Kena quarantine for at least 8 hari di ward pengasingan sebelum dibenarkan balik.. and selepas balik pun still kena self quarantine untuk cukupkan 14hari.. and tak boleh ada close contact dengan other people due to the radioactive yang masih bersisa dalam badan..
Letih fikir hehh..
Still.. I have two more months.. let's hope that my T4 and TSH readings.. if not back to normal pun tak pe.. just turunlah sedikit hendaknya..
Penat dah telan ubat.. hahaaa..
On another note..
I saw this quote today.. and it broke my heart to think.. how true it is..
Just so you know..
You'll never know..
But then.. this came into my mind.. and made me rasa sedikit kuat..
Yes.. it will Nor Ismah.. it surely will..
p.s - I miss you so much adik.. I do.. please be well.. always be well.. ❤️
@1749hrs, 02072023